United Nations Security Council Resolution 150

Resolution 150 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in the 891st meeting on August 23, 1960 unanimously. She busied herself with the inclusion of the Ivory Coast as a new member of the United Nations.


The Federation of French possessions in West Africa, French West Africa was in 1958 in disarray. Until 1959, Félix Houphouët-Boigny presented as a clear opponent of the solution of the Ivory Coast of France. However, French President Charles de Gaulle himself laid the French colonies independence while maintaining a loose binding to France near. Shortly thereafter, the relevant documents were signed with France and proclaimed independence under the name Republic " Côte d' Ivoire " on August 7, 1960.


The Security Council announced that it has examined the uptake of the Ivory Coast as a new member of the United Nations and recommended these to approve the UN General Assembly.


Ivory Coast joined the United Nations on 20 September 1960.
