United Nations Security Council Resolution 151

Resolution 151 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in the 891st meeting on August 23, 1960 unanimously. She busied herself with the inclusion of Chad as a new member of the United Nations.


France broke on September 28, 1958, the colony of French Equatorial Africa. Chad was just like the other parts of the as Gabon, Congo ( Brazzaville), and the Central African Republic on November 28, 1958 "autonomous members" of the " French Community ". On August 11, 1960, Chad was formally independent under its first president François Tombalbaye.


The Security Council announced that it has examined the uptake of Chad as a new member of the United Nations and recommended to the UN General Assembly to agree to a recording.


Chad joined the United Nations on 20 September 1960.
