United Nations Security Council Resolution 147

Resolution 147 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in the 891st meeting on August 23, 1960 unanimously. They dealt with the admission of the Republic of Dahomey ( now Benin ). Than a new member of the United Nations


The Republic of Dahomey was established on 11 December 1958 as an autonomous colony. Before it was given the autonomy, it was the French colony of Dahomey as part of the French Union. On 1 August 1960, received full independence from France.


The Security Council announced that it has reviewed the admission of the Republic of Dahomey as a new member of the United Nations and recommended to the UN General Assembly to agree to a recording.


The Republic of Dahomey joined the United Nations on 20 September 1960.
