United Nations Security Council Resolution 158

Resolution 158 of the UN Security Council is a resolution that was decided by the United Nations Security Council in the 907th meeting on September 28, 1960 unanimously. She busied herself with the inclusion of Senegal as a new member of the United Nations.


1914, the first African -born members of the Senegalese were sent to the French National Assembly in 1946 received all citizens the right to vote. In two stages France finally sent the country to independence. 1958 received broad autonomy within the French Community, the following year it teamed up with Mali to Mali Federation together which became independent on 20 June 1960. The Security Council, in Resolution 139 on June 28, 1960 to join the Federation to the United Nations, but on August 20, 1960 redissolved and aufteilte to Senegal and Mali.


The Security Council announced that it has examined the uptake of Senegal as a new member of the United Nations and recommended to the UN General Assembly to agree to a recording.


Senegal joined the United Nations on the same day (September 28 ) at.
