Villa Tunari Municipality

The municipality of Villa Tunari is a district in the department of Cochabamba in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

The municipality of Villa Tunari is one of three Municipalities of the province of Chapare. It is bordered on the northwest by the province Ayopaya, on the southwest by the province Quillacollo, to the south by the municipality of Sacaba and to the municipality Colomi, in the southeast of the province Tiraque, on the east by the province of Carrasco, and to the north by the department of Beni.

The central location of the municipality of Villa Tunari is with 2,510 inhabitants on the eastern edge of the municipality. (2001)


The municipality of Villa Tunari is located in the Bolivian lowlands on the northern edge of the Cordillera Oriental. The climate is tropical with a pronounced diurnal climate. The average annual temperature in the long-term average is just under 27 ° C, the monthly temperatures range from just over 23 ° C in July and nearly 29 ° C in December and January. The annual precipitation of 2,300 mm has a distinct rainy season from October to April, with monthly rainfall 160-380 mm.


The population of the municipality of Villa Tunari has increased by about 20 percent over the past two decades, from 48 111 ( census 1992) over 53 996 ( 2001 census ) to 56,965 ( 2005 estimate ) inhabitants.

The population density of the municipality is 4.9 inhabitants / km ² (2001), the percentage of urban population is 8.3%.

The life expectancy of newborns in 2001 was 57.4 years.

The literacy rate for those over 19 years is 78.3 %, ie 87.2 % in men and 65.1 % in women ( 2001).



The municipality of Villa Tunari is divided into the following three cantons ( cantones ):

  • Cantón Mendoza
  • Cantón Paracti
  • Cantón Villa Tunari