Ayopaya Province

- 16.75 - 66.916666666667Koordinaten: 16 ° 45 ' S, 66 ° 55 ' W

Ayopaya is a province in the northwestern part of the Bolivian department of Cochabamba.


The province is one of sixteen provinces in the department of Cochabamba. It is bordered to the west by the department of La Paz, on the south by the province Tapacari, on the southeast by the province Quillacollo, on the east by the province of Chapare, and on the northeast by the Department of Beni.

The province extends from about 15 ° 48 'and 17 ° 27' south latitude and 66 ° 35 ' and 67 ° 27 ' west longitude, their extent from west to east is up to 60 kilometers from north to south 150 km.


The population of the province Ayopaya has remained in the past two decades about the same, but have declined in the last decade:

45.8 percent of the population are younger than 15 years, the literacy rate in the province is 58.8 percent. (1992)

47.5 percent of the population speak Spanish, 97.2 percent Quechua, Aymara and 13.1 percent. (1992)

89.5 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 87.2 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).

85.1 percent of the population are Catholics, 13.5 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Ayopaya province is divided into three Municipalities:

  • Municipio Ayopaya - 26 825 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Municipio Morochata - 20,567 inhabitants ( 2001)
  • Municipio Cocapata - 13,567 inhabitants ( 2001)