
48.5041666666678.7766666666667495Koordinaten: 48 ° 30 ' 15 " N, 8 ° 46' 36" E

Baisingen is a district of Rottenburg am Neckar in the administrative district of Tübingen in Baden- Württemberg.

  • 2.1 Population development
  • 4.1 Structures


Baisingen is 465-532 meters above sea level, 8 km southeast of Nagold, 15 km west of Rottenburg am Neckar, 12 km north-east of Horb am Neckar in Korngäu.

The total area of the village is 720 hectares Baisingen. Of this amount, 79.5 % on agricultural land, 10.7% on housing and transport area, 9.3% forest area, 0.1% of water and 0.3 % on the rest of use.

Neighboring communities

The following places are adjacent to Baisingen, they are listed clockwise starting in the north: Mötzingen ( Böblingen ), Ergenzingen ( district of Tübingen ), Göttelfingen ( Landkreis Freudenstadt ) and Vollmar Willingen ( Calw ).


In Baisingen 1,231 inhabitants (as of July 31, 2011 ) on an area of 7.2 km ². The population density is 170 Baisingens inhabitants per square kilometer.

Population Development


The place Baisingen was first mentioned in 1258 as Bözzingen documented. Members of a lower noble family are known for the 13th and 14th centuries who called themselves after the place. About the County of Hohenberg came Baisingen 1381 under the sovereignty of Austria, but the place 1380-1505 was pledged to the Lords of Gültlingen. After the Thirty Years War, the men had held the blood spell of Wernau and from 1696 Give von Stauffenberg.

Since 1596 Jewish residents of Baisingen are attested. After the expulsion from the larger cities of western Austria and the Duchy of Württemberg, the Jews found in imperial knights nomic villages under the protection of local lords a new home. They instructed the Jews in safe houses, the number of which increased with the increase of the Jewish population. Since 1778 there was also a Jewish cemetery. He is next to the synagogue, the second important testimony of Jewish life in Baisingen dar. After their civil equality in the 19th century, some Jews built large houses in the village that still dot the village. 1843 were almost a third of the population Baisingens Jews.

1805 Baisingen came to Württemberg and was ( as of 1938 county Horb ) assigned to the upper office Horb.

1933 were still 86 Jews in the village. About 60 emigrated in the subsequent period, those left behind were deported to the extermination camps. Few survivors returned home in 1945 back to Baisingen.

In the 1970s, the formerly independent village was incorporated in the course of municipal reform to Rottenburg am Neckar and thus to the district of Tübingen.

Synagogue Memorial

Jewish Cemetery

Culture and sights


  • Memorial synagogue
  • Jewish Cemetery
  • Catholic Church of St. Anastasia (1755 with expansion and tower of 1890)
  • Hallstatt Time grave hill ( " Bühl " )

Personalities of the city

  • Carl Hirsch (1841-1900) Social Democratic journalist