
48.5283333333338.8691666666667430Koordinaten: 48 ° 31 '42 " N, 8 ° 52' 9" E

Hailfingen is a district of Rottenburg am Neckar in the administrative district of Tübingen in Baden- Württemberg ( Germany ).

  • 2.1 religions
  • 2.2 Population development


Hailfingen is 9 km south of Herrenberg, 9 km northwest of Rottenburg am Neckar. The village is the northernmost district of Rottenburg.


The total area of the village is 751 ha Hailfingen Of this amount, 75.0 % on agricultural land, 11.2% on housing and transport area, 13.1% of forest area and 0.7 % to other use.

Neighboring towns

The following places are adjacent to Hailfingen, they are listed clockwise starting in the north: Tailfingen ( Böblingen ), Reusten, Oberdorf, Seebronn ( district of Tübingen ) and Bondorf ( Böblingen ).


In Hailfingen 1581 inhabitants ( end of January 2008) on an area of ​​7.51 km ². The population density is 211 Hailfingens inhabitants per square kilometer.


Hailfingen ( Dean's Office of Rottenburg, Diocese of Rottenburg- Stuttgart) is dominated Catholic. Approximately 50 % of the population belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic parish of St. Lawrence is connected to the Dompfarrgemeinde St. Martin in Rottenburg and the parish of St. James in Seebronn in a pastoral unit.

Population Development


Hailfingen is the altbesiedelten landscape of the Upper Gäus. Since the research by Hermann Stoll in the 1930s Hailfingen is known as locality of Alemannic cemetery. This was one of the first cemeteries of the Merovingian period, which was almost completely exposed. In addition, are of the district but also finds the Linear Pottery Culture and the Hallstatt time ago.

Hailfingen was the ancestral seat of the Lords of Hailfingen, one of the most widely branched Swabian noble families with additional locations in Hohenentringen, Müneck and Hagelloch.

North of Hailfingen existed from 1937 to 1945 a night fighter airfield and from 1944 to 1945, the sub-camp Hailfingen -Tailfingen.

On June 6, 2010, a memorial and an exhibition and Dokumentationsstee was inaugurated as the concentration camp memorial Hailfingen -Tailfingen.

St. Lawrence

Primary school
