Best Screenplay Award (Cannes Film Festival)

The price for Best Screenplay ( Prix du scénario ) honored at the annually organized film festivals of Cannes, the best performance of one or more writers in a competition movie ( feature film ). The award was first presented at the fourth edition of the film festival in 1949. The awarding of the prize, which is awarded to the winner in the form of a deed, agrees the competition jury, usually composed of international filmmakers.

Award winners

The most frequently with the award for the best film script excellent French and American Writers ( each with 6 wins), followed by their colleagues from Italy ( 4), the United Kingdom and the People's Republic of China (2 each).

Although in the past the price was several times expressly awarded to the best original screenplay of a film competition, you will encounter today is no distinction between a script that is based on any publication previously published or already published a literary text ( Adapted Screenplay). Authors from the German cinema were first successful in 2007, as Fatih Akın ( on the other side) received the award.

* = The prize was awarded to the best original screenplay of a film competition

  • Film Festival of Cannes