
Čavle (Italian: Zaule di Liburnia ) is a municipality in Croatia in Primorje - Gorski Kotar.

Location and population

In the overall community consisting of ten villages live according to census 2011 7.220 people. The main town Čavle alone has 1,358 inhabitants and is located in the eastern part of the Grobničko Polje, the hinterland of Rijeka. Čavle is right on the highway from Rijeka to Zagreb.


In the district Grobnik is a castle, which was built by the family Francopan. The castle was built in the 15th century and continued to expand. The plant itself is separated from the settlement Grobnik by walls and bastions.


In 1977 the Grobnik Automotodrome Grobnik built, took place on the 13 times the Grand Prix of Yugoslavia as part of the motorcycle world championship.

The district was Soboli location of several Karl May movies in the 1960s.


  • Dragutin Haramija (* 1923 in Čavle ), Prime Minister

Pictures of ÄŒavle
