
Děčany ( German Jets Chan or Dietschan ) is a municipality in the Czech Republic. It belongs to Okres Litoměřice.


The place is located 8 km southwest of Trebenice in 224 m above sea level. M. Suchy in the valley of creek in the southwest of the Bohemian Uplands. Neighboring towns are in the north Třebívlice, northeast Solany, in the southeast Lukohořany and Vojničky, to the west and northwest Hnojnice Semeč. Děčany located at the foot of the 306 meter high Baba.


Děčany was mentioned in a deed of gift of the village to the monastery Doksany 1226 for the first time. The place name probably derives from the Slavic tribe of the Jets Chaner (Czech: Decane ) from.

Since the end of the 15th century the village belonged to Vřesovec of Vresovice, which was followed by the Hrobschitz of Hrobschitz. In 1628 a division of the property and John of Aldringens bought part of Jets Chan. The other part was in 1694 affiliated to the rule Liebshausen. 1732 acquired the Klebelsberg on sub - Trziblitz first parts of jets Chan and finally to 1811 the whole place.

The inhabitants traditionally live from agriculture, which dominates the fruit and hops.

Community structure

The municipality consists of the villages Děčany Děčany ( Jets Chan), Lukohořany ( Lauroran ) Semeč ( Semtsch ) and Solany ( Solan ), which also form also Katastralbezirke.


Approximately one and a half kilometers southwest of Děčany is located in the valley of the creek Hnojnický the natural monument Kamenná slunce.

The town has a war memorial from the First World War and the building built in the late 19th century, people good.
