List of rulers of Egypt

This is a compilation of various lists of the rulers of Egypt. This list is not intended to replace the already existing lists but only provide a quick overview.

  • 6.1 Bahri dynasty ( 1250-1382 and 1389-1390 )
  • 6.2 Burj Dynasty ( 1382-1389 and 1390-1517 )

Ancient Egypt ( to 395 AD)

  • See main article: List of pharaohs and List of Roman emperors of antiquity (or Zenobia )

Byzantine Period ( 395-642 )

  • See main article: List of Byzantine emperors (or Khosrau II )

Early Islamic period ( 642-969 )

In the years 639-642 the Byzantine Egypt was conquered by Arab troops led by the commander Amr ibn al-As. The country was incorporated into the kingdom of the Caliph, the successor to the Prophet Mohammed. The country became Arabized in the sequence and opened for Islam, two basic elements, the modern Egypt represent up today.

" Rightly Guided Caliphs " ( 642-661 )

  • See main article: List of caliphs

Umayyad ( 661-750 )

  • See main article: Umayyad

Abbasids ( 750-868, 905-935 and 1412 )

  • See main article: Abbasid

Under the reign of the Abbasid dynasties succeeded two governors to make in Egypt largely independent of the Caliph. While the Tulunids 905 yet overthrown and Egypt could be fed back to the direct rule of the Caliph, they slipped out of the country with the separation of the Ichschididen in the year 935 in fact permanent.

Tulunids ( 884-905 )

Ichschididen ( 935-969 )

Caliphate of the Fatimids (969-1171)

Already at the beginning of the 10th century founded the dynasty of the Fatimids in North Africa (modern Algeria and Tunisia), a Shiite ismailitisches Caliphate, which was in competition with the established Sunni caliphate in Baghdad. The Fatimid Caliph al - Muizz 969 succeeded the conquest of Egypt, he made Cairo also the residence of his kingdom, which has since been the capital of Egypt.

Sultanate of Ayyubid (1171-1250)

The Kurdish Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, known to Christians as the " Saladin ", finished in 1171 the caliphate of the Fatimids in Cairo and took over recognizing the Abbasid caliph of Baghdad, the rule in Egypt as Sultan. He founded the dynasty of the Ayyubids so.

Mamluk Sultanate (1250-1517)

Bahri dynasty (1250-1382 and 1389-1390)

The Mamluks of the influential Bahriyya -Garde ended 1250/1254 the dynasty of the Ayyubid Sultan and took over the throne.

Burj Dynasty (1382-1389 and 1390-1517)

The Burdschiyya - Mamluks were finally in 1390 to replace the Bahri dynasty in the reign.

Ottoman rule in Egypt ( 1517-1798/1805/1914 )

  • See main article: List of sultans of the Ottoman Empire

In the years 1516-1517 the Ottomans both Syria and Egypt conquered and annexed the two countries and provinces in their empire a. Egypt remained until 1914, the Ottoman Empire, though although it actually acted as a sovereign state since 1805.

Egypt under the Muhammad Ali Dynasty (1805-1922)

In 1805, the Albanian -born Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire hereditary Wali ( governor) of Egypt was appointed. From this point on desired Muhammad Ali and his descendants to a detachment from the reign of Sultan. The award of the hereditary title of Khedive ( Viceroy ) Ismail Pasha in 1867 gave the expression. In 1882 the dominion of Great Britain in Egypt, the only formally belonged now to the Ottoman Empire. After the end of World War I and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in 1914 Egypt was formally dismissed from the Ottoman rule, whereupon Hussein Kamil took the title of sultan. The country, however, was declared a British protectorate and thus did not have full sovereignty.

Kingdom of Egypt (1922-1953)

In 1922, the British protectorate ended, after which Egypt formally gained independence, although the UK continues remained an important power factor. Sultan Ahmad Fuad Fuad I took as the title of Malik (king), thus founding the Kingdom of Egypt.

Republic of Egypt ( since 1953 )

  • See main article: List of Presidents of Egypt

Already in 1952 took over the movement of the " Free Officers " following a coup d'état in Egypt. On June 18, 1953 Today's National Day of the country, they finally ended the kingdom and proclaimed the " Republic of Egypt." In 1958 Egypt closed with Syria after almost 450 years back at a state together, the " United Arab Republic ". However, the only two heads of state of this short-lived state came from Egypt. In 1961 the two countries separated again into two sovereign states. Egypt took its official name until today " Arab Republic of Egypt, " but not until 1972.
