

Alberto Nagel

Mediobanca SpA is an Italian credit institution which is mainly active in the field of industrial finance. The Bank has its registered office in Milan.

Company History

Mediobanca was shortly after the end of World War II by the Banca Commerciale Italiana (now Intesa Sanpaolo ) (now Unicredit ) with subsequent support of the Banca di Roma (now Unicredit and Capitalia now also ) and founded by Credito Italiano. The new bank should serve reconstruction and the reorganization of the Italian industry. As the former legal situation in Italy did not allow for universal banks and the banks differed mainly on the type and duration of funding, it was decided for a special credit institution for medium-and long-term industrial financing. In this way, the first and most important investment bank in Italy was born. Until the complete restructuring of the Italian banking industry in the late 1990s Mediobanca played a central role at Milan's financial center. The co-founder and head of the bank, Enrico Cuccia, was considered for many years as the eminence grise in the Italian economy. Mediobancas activities not always excelled under his direction by particular transparency. In recent years, a change in shareholder structure and a renewed Board staff has caused a profound change of business conduct. In the train of these modernizations, the Bank extended its activities to other areas.
