Operation Buster-Jangle

Operation Buster - Jangle was a series of American nuclear weapons testing, which was conducted in late 1951 at the Nevada Test Site. A total of seven tests were held, six of them above ground and one underground.

It was the first joint operation of the U.S. Department of Defense and the nuclear weapons laboratories, Los Alamos. It took two operations simultaneously: Operation Buster Jangle and the operation. A total of 6,500 soldiers part during testing at the command post exercises Desert Rock I, II and III.

The individual tests of the Buster - Jangle series

Operation Buster

(200 tons TNT equivalent )

Operation Jangle


Buster - Jangle, Charlie

Buster - Jangle, Charlie

Buster - Jangle Easy

Buster - Jangle Dog

Buster - Jangle Dog

Soldiers observe the Comprehensive Nuclear Test - Buster Jangle Dog during a combat training, November 1951

Buster - Jangle Dog

Buster - Jangle Uncle
