Polskie Radio

Polskie Radio [ pɔlsk ʲ ɛ radjɔ ] (short PR; German Polish radio) is the public radio institution in Poland. The Polskie Radio SA operates nationwide and international radio programs, as well as 17 regional stations. Polskie Radio is a member of the European Broadcasting Union.


Polskie Radio radiates the following five programs:

  • Polskie Radio 1 (PR1 ), nationwide via LW and FM
  • Polskie Radio 2 ( PR2 ), nationwide
  • Polskie Radio 3 ( PR3), nationwide
  • Polskie Radio 4 ( PR4 ), the nation's
  • Polskie Radio dla Zagranicy, abroad program (formerly Radio Polonia )
  • Radio Parliament


The first radio broadcast in 1925

The first radio broadcast was in Poland on 1 February 1925 by " Polskie Towarzystwo Radiotechniczne ": sent ( German Polish Radio Technical Society) at the wavelength of 385 m from Warsaw. It was a trial shipment and a technical experiment at the same time. On August 18, 1925, the " Polskie Radio Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością " was ( German: Polish Rundfunk GmbH ) by Zygmunt Chamiec and Tadeusz Sułowski founded. The Polish Radio GmbH had an exclusive broadcasting rights in Poland.

" Halo, halo Polskie Radio Warsaw, fale 480 " ( Hello, Hello, this is the Polish Radio Warsaw, wavelength 480 ) were the first words with which Polskie Radio began its regular broadcasting on April 18, 1926.


In the following years other stations of the Polish broadcasting started in the cities: Krakow, Katowice, Vilnius, Lviv, Toruń, Baranovicze. The company also has Polskie Radio "Radio Poznańskie " (radio Posen) at this time - over the Subkonzessionisten of 1925.

1929 Polskie Radio was the second, modified transmission concession for 20 years, in which also the construction of a new station was recommended, which would be across Poland to hear. This recommendation was met in May 1931. In May 1931 it was built in Łazy at Raszyn a new, 120 -kW (then a high power ) and 200 -meter transmitter, then the highest transmission tower in Europe. Man sent on the wavelength 1111 meters.

In the 1930s, it began producing its own radio receiver in Poland. Radio was very popular and fashionable and moved accordingly great writers, musicians, conductors, actors and other artists magically. Personalities such as Jan Parandowski, Zenon Kosidowski Jerzy Szaniawski, Iwaszkiewicz, Maria Dabrowska, Maria Kuncewiczowa, Grzegorz Fitelberg, Zdzisław Górzyński, Stefan Jaracz, Aleksander Zelwerowicz and many others were heard on the radio.

Polish radio stations (as of August 31, 1939 )

Ministry of PiT -

Per transmitter

(*) Range during the day, with the usual radio receiver of the thirties

September 1939 to November 1944

In the first days of September 1939, the station was destroyed in Raszyn, as a replacement transmitter participated in the September 7, 1939 Warszawa II transmission on. The station " Warszawa II " radioed air raid alerts, world news, and speeches of the Warsaw Mayor Stefan Starzyński to the population.

On September 30, 1939, the German occupiers took over both transmitters " Warsaw I" ( Raszyn, LW 224 kHz, 120 kW ) and " Warsaw II" ( Mokotov, MW 1384 kHz, 2 kW ) for the Greater German Radio and ordered the confiscation of all Polish Radio receiver. Poland could not hear the radio on pain of death.

The Polish radio again took in the summer of 1944 in Lublin work on.

After November 20, 1944

On November 20, 1944 Polskie Radio was converted into a public company under Soviet occupation. The first post-war years were devoted to the reconstruction of the infrastructure. 1948 Polskie Radio in " Centralny Urząd Radiofonii " ( German: Central Broadcasting Authority), and later in " Komitet ds. Radiofonii " ( German: Broadcasting Committee ) renamed.

On 3 October 1949, the second nationwide radio program was started.

In September 1957, emerged as one of the first devices of this type (worldwide), the experimental studio of electronic sound processing, which worked for the radio, television, film and composer.

On March 1, 1958 launched the third program.

In July 1961, sent for the first time in stereo.

In 1974, a 646 meters high and 2000 kW transmitter mast Konstantynów was built at that time the largest transmission tower in the world. Thanks to this radio mast, the range is increased tremendously and you could Polskie Radio in Europe, heard in North Africa and almost everywhere in the Soviet Union. In the 1970s there was a return to the form of broadcasting live broadcast. The then started broadcasts " Lato z Radiem " (Summer with the Radio ) ( 1971 ), " Sygnały Dnia " (daily signals, from 1973) and " Cztery Pory Roku " ( Four Seasons) are even today still sent in a similar form.

On January 2, 1976 launched the fourth program.

December 29, 1992 we reorganized radio and television, from the state Radiotelewizja Polska ( RTVP ) created 19 new companies: Polish Television SA, Polskie Radio SA and 17 regional companies.

On 23 March 2012, the Polish Broadcasting announced the end of its foreign short-wave broadcasts. The services will be continued, but have since only via the World Radio Network and online via satellite, as well as an app for iPhone and Android to listen. There is also the program as a podcast.

Audytorium 17 - 17 regional companies of Polskie Radio SA
