Priscilla Cooper Tyler

Elizabeth Priscilla Cooper Tyler ( born June 14, 1816 in New York City; † December 29, 1889 in Montgomery ) was the daughter of the tenth U.S. President John Tyler. After his wife Letitia died before the end of Tyler's presidency, Priscilla was from 10 September 1842 to 26 June 1844, the First Lady of the United States.


Priscilla's father, Thomas Apthorpe Cooper, was a successful producer, her mother, Mary Fairlee Cooper, was a New York jet provider. As a seventeen year old Priscilla began to work as an actress. The family lived in a large house in Broadway. The economic crisis of 1837, the Coopers lost their possessions.

While she played Desdemona in a production of Othello in Richmond, she met Robert Tyler, the eldest son of John Tyler. Despite social differences, the two were married on September 12, 1839 in Bristol, Pennsylvania.

1844 moved to Pennsylvania to Robert Tyler and Priscilla had to leave the White House.

The Tylers remained for 16 years in Pennsylvania. After Robert died in 1877, his wife spent their last years in Montgomery, Alabama.

Washington | A. Adam | Randolph | Madison | Monroe | Adams L. | R. Jackson | Donelson | SY Jackson | H. Van Buren | A. Van Buren | A. Harrison | Harrison JI | L. Tyler | Tyler P. | J. Tyler | Polk | Taylor | Fillmore | Pierce | Lane | Lincoln | E. Johnson | Grant | Hayes | Garfield | McElroy | R. Cleveland | F. Cleveland | C. Harrison | McKee | McKinley | Ed. Roosevelt | Taft | El. Wilson | Ed. Wilson | Harding | Coolidge | Hoover | El. Roosevelt | Truman | Eisenhower | Kennedy | L Johnson | Nixon | Ford | Carter | Reagan | B. Bush | Clinton | L. Bush | Obama

  • First Lady (United States)
  • Person (New York City )
  • Americans
  • Born in 1816
  • Died in 1889
  • Woman