Radical 135

Radical 135 is with the meaning "tongue" is one of 29 of the 214 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are written by six strokes.

With eight combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, there are very few characters that can be found at this radical in the lexicon.

The radical "tongue" takes only the long -mark - list traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 135 position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries may find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, at 177th place.

Oracle bones and seal script form showing a mouth, from which it sees a tongue. 甜( = sweet) contains the tongue and舌甘( = sweet), so is a combined mark. 舐( = lick ) and舔( = lick ) naturally lead the tongue舌as bearers of meaning, while氏and忝act as a sound carrier.

Later, the character舌participated in the function of a sound carrier. Such replacement process gave the characters活( = live ) ,刮( = peel ) ,鸹( in :老鸹= Raven ) and others the tongue舌as a component. Again, it only has a general function. In many condensed characters舌took the place of more complicated components, there has thus likewise no particular meaning:乱( = chaos) ,适( = suitable ) ,辞( = expression ). In舍( = house ), the seal script form in the lower section contains a舌- similar component so that舌not available for tongue here.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 135

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical 135 of the Code Point number 12,166 (U 2 F86 ) is coded.
