Radical 168

Radical 168 meaning " long " is one of nine traditional radicals of Chinese writing with eight strokes.

With a single sign conjunction in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary it is extremely rare. In the Kangxi Dictionary, however, were still 55 characters to see this radical.

The modern abbreviation长in the People's Republic of China reduced the exit sign to its essential elements and lets his output still visible. In an older spelling variant镸only the "foot" of the sign is changed, only with this version, the character connections are created.

In Pictogram the hairs are so long that they must be bound. Later, a hairpin is still plugged into the characters. This purports to be an adult. The hairs are signs of aging. The Oracle character reveals a figure with wild hair, which apparently walks with a cane. As a single character it means to grow older.

( = Be disappointed ) Today, the sign usually works as the carrier as in怅,伥( = stooges assistance providers ) ,张( = open, tension ) ,帐( = tent, canopy ) or胀( = extend ).

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 168

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 168 under the code point number 12,199 (U 2 FA7 ).
