Radical 169

Radical 169 meaning " door, gate " is one of nine traditional radicals of Chinese writing with eight strokes.

With 61 combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, it happens quite often. Also in the Kangxi Dictionary are 246 characters to see this radical.

The modern abbreviation门in the People's Republic of China saved when writing a number of strokes, but clearly shows the original form yet. In this form, the door has lost her wings.

This is to the icon of a door with two door wings, completing the a house. The vertical bars on the right and the left represents the doorposts as a component of this radical comes into character as闩( = bar ) or闸( = threshold ) before.

The most famous gate is the Gate of Heavenly Peace, which leads in Beijing's Forbidden City.

The symbol of the radical 169门; with门characters are compounds of U 9580 to U 95 E7闧coded, then it门with U 95 E8 to阛U 961 C.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 169

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 169 under the code point number 12,200 (U 2 FA8 ).
