Radical 25

The radical 25 with the meaning "oracle" is a traditional of the 23 radicals of Chinese characters that are made ​​with two strokes. The character is similar to Katakanaト" to".

With eight combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary it is only very rarely in the lexicon. The radical oracle takes only characters in the long list of traditional radicals, which consists of 214 radicals, the 25th position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries may find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, ranked 16th.

The character卜is one of the oldest characters and already appeared on the oracle bone inscriptions. Most of the to be found under this radical character have to do with divination such as:

The Eight Trigrams (八卦Bāguà = oracle eight characters) are serving for divination symbols, which form the basis of the ancient Chinese I Ching ( Yijing易经= Book of Changes ). They consist of three either solid ( yang) or broken ( yin ) lines, resulting in 23 = 8 possibilities, which are often presented in the form of a circle. Two trigrams yield one of the 26 = 64 hexagrams. The meaning of each hexagram is described in the Book of Changes.

The character卜also acts as sound carriers, such as, for example, in

In some other characters, however, as with the family name卢or卡( = stop ) comes卜only the function of a general distinctive component.

The characters卤connection is also used as symbols for radical 197卤.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 25

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals the radical is 25 encoded code point number 12,056 (U 2 F18 ).
