Radical 53

The radical 53 with the meaning " sloping roof " is one of 31 traditional radicals of Chinese writing, which consist of three strokes.

With 61 combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, the radical relatively often occurs in reference books.

The original characters can be used as a leaning to the rock house had to be interpreted and the meaning hut (庵). The characters that can be found at广in the dictionary include, in the field of building as

Sometimes, as in enters the single character广on as a sound carrier:

广is also used as symbols for广:

The icon was originally the sign of a shed, parked in the car, but also cereals, fruits and other goods were stored. It followed the meaning of " business ", because businesses differ in China not much of warehouses.

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 53

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical 53 is coded under the code point number 12,084 (U 2 F34 ).
