Radical 28

The radical 28 with the meaning of "private" is one of 23 of the 214 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are made ​​with two strokes.

In Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, there are few characters which can be found at this radical in the lexicon. The Kangxi Dictionary are only 40 of a total of 40,000 characters under this radical.

The radical increases only in the long list of traditional character - radicals with a 214 radicals the 28th position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries may find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, at 37th place. The character is similar to Katakanaム"mu" and the Zhuyinzeichen ㄙ [s].

This radical is found only in compositions, mostly it makes no particular sense of connection:

Only in a few characters厶acts as bearers of meaning that conveys the importance of private. One of these is公( = public), the opposite of私( = private), developed from radical 12:八( = separate ) and the radical 28:厶( = private).

In pictogram we see a silkworm, the einspinnt in the cocoon. We then get the meaning of " own, separate, selfish, private".

Radical 28 is now no longer an independent character. Earlier, it had the same meaning as the modern私( = private person ) as a single character with radical 115: is formed禾( = grain, cereals) and the radical 28. In earlier times, the farmers paid their taxes of the grain harvest, therefore, the property of the state, public good was - what was left remained the property of the farmer who was "private".

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 28

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical 28 is coded under the code point number 12,059 (U 2 F1B ).
