Radical 194

Radical 194 is with the meaning " demon " is one of eight of the 214 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are written with ten strokes.

With 14 combinations of signs in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, there are a few characters that can be found at this radical in the lexicon.

Radical daemon accepts only in the long list of traditional character radicals consisting of 214 radicals 194 position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries may find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, to 216 place.

In ancient reference books鬼the radical is look up under 10 strokes, because it was in the upper area (next to the dot chain ) from田( = field) plus a newly to be applied in line down pretty consistently. Today, this part consists of a白( = white ) with the vertical solid line. The component now consists only of 9 strokes.

The characters already appeared on oracle bones and there shows a kneeling man on the head is a monster. The curl with a tail in the first pictograms means the air vortex that produces a flying spirit. Only later did the character takes the meaning " ghost, demon " and evolves to the Terrible. Therefore, with鬼also the names of foreigners were formed. According to another interpretation of the character goes back to a rough drawing of a scarecrow.

Most of the ruled by鬼characters have to do with ghosts or soul such as魔( = devil, demon) ,魑( = sinister forces)魂( = soul) ,魄( = soul, energy). As a sound carrier鬼acts in the characters傀(傀儡= puppet ) ,愧(惭愧= be ashamed ) ,瑰( in瑰丽= beautiful) ,嵬( in巍 嵬= raised).

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 194

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 194 under the code point number 12,225 (U 2 FC1).
