Radical 132

Radical 132自"self" is the meaning of a of 29 of the 214 traditional radicals of Chinese characters that are written by six strokes.

With 5 characters compounds in Mathews ' Chinese - English Dictionary, there are very few characters that can be found at this radical in the lexicon. The Kangxi Dictionary there were 34 characters which had to see this radical.

The radical自takes only the long -mark - list traditional radicals consisting of 214 radicals 132 position. In modern abbreviation dictionaries he can find a completely different place. In the New Sino- German Dictionary from the People's Republic of China, there is, for example, at 180th place.

The character evolved from the image of a person who (209 radical) points to the own nose. The oracle font character shows a human nose, and the nose is also the former importance of自. Only later the sign, the significance自己( = itself) ,自然( ziran = nature) and自从( = since ) to.

Today's sign of the nose is鼻( bi). It consists of the original character for nose自up and the sound carrier畀below. 臭( = smell ) contains the nose自and the dog (犬): The dog's nose detects smells very good. This was because the first meaning of the sign :嗅( = sniff ).

Character connections that are ruled by the radical 132

In Unicode block Kangxi radicals, the radical is coded 132 of the Code Point number 12.163 (U 2 F83 ).
