San Casciano in Val di Pesa

San Casciano in Val di Pesa is a town with 17,277 inhabitants (as of 31 December 2012) in Tuscany.


The community is located 15 km south of Florence and 45 km north of Siena on a hill between the valleys of the Pesa and Greve in Chianti region of northwestern.

The districts include Bardella, Bargino, Calcinaia, Campoli, Cerbaia, Chiesa Nuova, Cigliano, Faltignano, La Romola, Mercatale in Val di Pesa, Montefiridolfi, San Pancrazio, Sant'Andrea in Percussina and Spedaletto.

The neighboring municipalities are Greve in Chianti, Impruneta, Montespertoli, Scandicci and Barberino Val d'Elsa.


The town was founded as a settlement of the Etruscans. Importance was the place from the 11th century as a station on the way between Florence and Siena. In the 13th century it fell into the sphere of Florence. After attacks, sieges and revenue of the place of Henry VII ( 1312) and Castruccio Castracane (1326) Florence built the place in 1355 for the fortress. 1513 was Niccolò Machiavelli in the family estate Albergaccio (also called Casa Machiavelli ) in the village of Sant'Andrea in Percussina refuge after his exile from Florence. Here his work was The Prince. 1880 Sidney Sonnino began its rise as a deputy in San Casciano. Greater attention was given to the place early eighties, when several defendants came in the murder trial of the Monster of Florence from the district Mercatale.


  • , Also called Chiesa della Misericordia Santa Maria del Prato, church dating back to 1304. Contains the works of Madonna with Child by Ugolino di Nerio, San Tommaso d' Aquino e San Lorenzo of Rutilio Manetti, Crucifix by Simone Martini and other Giovanni di Balduccio.
  • Chiesa di San Donato, the Church in the district of Chiesa Nuova, contains works by Giovanni del Biondo, Jacopo di Cione and a Madonna with Child and Saints of the Master of Marradi (Maestro di Marradi ).
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Gesù, also called Chiesa del Suffrage, church in the center is from the 15th century, home to the Museum of San Casciano, among other things, issued the work of unidentified Master of Barberino, showing the Saint Anthony, Sebastian and Rochus.
  • Collegiate di San Cassiano, Main Church, the work contains Circoncisione di Gesù by Francesco Corradi from the year 1605, and a wooden crucifix by Baccio da Montelupo.
  • Florence American Cemetery and Memorial, American military cemetery.
  • San Giovanni mentioned in Sugana, Pieve in the district Cerbaia, already 1019. If the work contains Madonna tra i Santi Giovanni Battista e Antonio Abate by Benedetto Buglioni dates from 1510, as well as works of the Master of Cabestany.
  • Pieve di San Pancrazio, Pieve in the district of San Pancrazio, was mentioned in the 10th century. Contains the works of Madonna del Latte by Cenni di Francesco di ser Cenni from the year 1400 and Santa Cecilia e San Pancrazio and Crucifixion (1590) by Santi di Tito.
  • Pieve di Santa Cecilia a Decimo, already documented 884 Pieve. If the work contains Madonna with Child fra i Santi Lorenzo e Cecilia Michele di Ridolfo del Ghirlandaio of.
  • Pieve di Santo Stefano in the district Campoli, 903 for the first time mentioned Pieve. If the work contains Madonna with Child and Saints by Giuliano Bugiardini.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Bastiano de Rossi, writer and lexicographer