Tunisian dinar

1 EUR = 2.1782 TND 1 TND = 0.45911 EUR

1 CHF = 1.7803 TND 1 TND = 0.56172 CHF

The Tunisian dinar Tunisian D or DT ( Tunisia Dinars ), arabic دينار تونسي Dinar TUNISI written, is the currency of Tunisia.

It is a thousand currency, that is, 1 Dinar is divided into 1000 Millimes (Arabic مليم a millimeter ), abbreviated M. In the vernacular, the Millimes are named after the previous currency " Franc ". Prices of everyday items are often awarded in Millimes and are labeled as such. The exchange rate is regulated by the state and is the same everywhere.

Currently, there are bills to be 50, 30, 20, 10 and 5 dinars and coins in denominations of 5, 1, and 1/ 2 Dinar, and 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 Millimes.

On October 18, 1958, the dinar was the currency of Tunisia. The previous currency, the franc was then replaced in 1000 francs = 1 dinar in the course.

The currency is not freely convertible and may be neither in nor executed.

Tunisian Dinar

20 Tunisian Millimes
