1855 in music

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  • July 5th: Jacques Offenbach, whose plays are not listed by the established Parisian theaters, opened his own theater, the Théâtre des Bouffes with a premiere of his half-hour operetta Les deux aveugles ( The two blind men ), with a libretto by Jules Moinaux.
  • November: Georges Bizet wrote his first symphony, the Symphony in C major, probably as student homework.
  • December 29: The world premiere of the operetta Ba - ta -clan of Jacques Offenbach done at his Théâtre des Bouffes in Paris. The libretto was written by Ludovic Halévy. The two artists call their work a chinoiserie musicale.


Secured birth

  • MARCH 23: Amy Sherwin, Australian opera singer († 1935)
  • MAY 9: Julius Röntgen, German - Dutch composer and pianist († 1932)
  • MAY 11: Anatoly Konstantinovich Ljadow, Russian composer († 1914)
  • JULY 4: Heinrich Grünfeld, Austrian composer, cellist and music teacher († 1931)
  • July 25: Edward Solomon, English composer and conductor († 1895)
  • AUGUST 29: Emil Paur, Austrian conductor and composer († 1932)

Exact date of birth unknown

  • Tatyos Efendi, a Turkish composer († 1913)
  • Louis de Gramont, French journalist, playwright and librettist († 1912)

