
Anti Anti is a municipality with 415 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the Haute- Corse on the French island of Corsica.


Anti Anti situated at an altitude of 657 meters above the sea level 57 km northeast of Ajaccio, the capital of the region of Corsica. The village is surrounded by the neighboring communities Casevecchie, Giuncaggio and Pietroso. The municipality has an area of ​​47.95 square kilometers and is bordered on the north by the valley of Tavignano. The hamlet Pietre Bianche belongs to the municipality.


Anti- Anti was established as a fief Corsica Pisa (1077-1284) was. The chronicler Giovanni Della Grossa (1388-1464) mentioned the village. 1564 supported the village of the freedom fighters Sampiero Corso ( 1497-1567 ) in his fight against the Republic of Genoa. Genoese troops looted and pillaged then the resort. 1729 had anti- anti 38 households ( feu fiscal ). 1762 Anti- Anti was the scene of a skirmish between rebels and Genoese troops, the village was then torched and 1763 occupied by Genoese troops. In 1770, the place 189 inhabitants. In 1900, there were 159 anti- anti houses, 26 bread ovens, 6 oil presses and 3 mills.



The church of Saint -Pierre -aux -Liens of anti- anti was built in 1894 in the Baroque style. The oldest house in Anti Anti is the Casa Pietrana, it is decorated with a relief of the 14th century.


The main industry in Anti Anti is the cultivation of citrus plants, especially of clementines. 40 percent of French production comes from Clementine anti- anti. In the hamlet Pietre Bianche especially cattle breeding. Other economic activities are the cultivation of cereals and vines. ( Miel de Corse - Mele di Corsica ) The municipal area controlled designation of origin (AOC ) for Brocciu, apply honey, olive oil ( Huile d' olive de Corse - Oliu di Corsica ), chestnut flour ( Farine de châtaigne corse - Farina Castagnina corsa ) and wine (Vin de Corse and Corse blanc, rosé or rouge ) and protected geographical indication ( PGI ) for clementines ( Clémentine de Corse) and wine (Ile de Beauté blanc, rosé or rouge and Méditerranée blanc, rosé and rouge ).

In anti- anti there are several shops, craft shops and Rural hostels.
