San Gabriel, Jalisco

19.75 - 103.75Koordinaten: 19 ° 45 'N, 103 ° 45 ' W

San Gabriel is a municipality in the Mexican state of Jalisco in the Región Sur. The municipality had the Census 2010 15.310 inhabitants; the area of ​​the Municipalities is 748.3 km ². Between 1934 and 1993, was the name of the municipios Venustiano Carranza.

Greatest place in the municipality and administrative headquarters is the same San Gabriel (1934-1993 also called Venustiano Carranza ). Other cities with at least 1,000 inhabitants are Jiquilpan, Alista, El Jazmin and Las Primaveras. The municipality comprises a total of 63 villages.

The municipality borders the San Gabriel Municipalities Tonaya, Tapalpa, Sayula, Zapotlán el Grande, Tuxpan, Zapotitlán de Vadillo, Tolimán and Tuxcacuesco.

The municipality has because of its location on the edge of the Sierra Volcánica Transversal a quite uneven orography on. The highest point of the municipios located at 3700 m. Over half of the municipal area is forested, about 30 % is used for agriculture.
