Villa Hidalgo, Jalisco

21.666666666667 - 102.6Koordinaten: 21 ° 40 'N, 102 ° 36 ' W

Villa Hidalgo, to 1869 Paso de Sotos, is a municipality in the Mexican state of Jalisco in the Región Altos Norte. The municipality had the Census 2010 18.711 inhabitants; the area of ​​the Municipalities is 454.1 km ².

Greatest place in the municipality and administrative headquarters is the same Villa Hidalgo, another place with at least 1,000 inhabitants exists with Tepusco. Overall, the municipality includes 41 villages.

The municipality of Villa Hidalgo borders on the municipality Teocaltiche and to the states of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas.

The municipal area is mostly on one level to between 1800 m and 2000 m above sea level, the highest point of the municipios located at 2600 m altitude. About a third of the municipal area is wooded, each about a quarter of agricultural land or pasture.
