
20.622777777778 - 103.06888888889Koordinaten: 20 ° 37 'N, 103 ° 4' W

Zapotlanejo is a municipality in the Mexican state of Jalisco in the Región Centro. The municipality had the Census 2010 63.636 inhabitants; the area of ​​the Municipalities is 720.8 km ².

Largest city in the municipality and administrative headquarters is the same Zapotlanejo, more cities with more than 1,500 inhabitants are La Laja, Santa Fe and Matatlán. Overall, the municipality comprises 200 villages.

The municipality borders the Municipalities Zapotlanejo Ixtlahuacan del Río, Cuquío, Acatic, Tepatitlán de Morelos, Tototlán, Zapotlán del Rey, Juanacatlán, Tonala and Guadalajara.

The municipality lies at an average of about 1600 m above sea level. Approximately half of the area is forested, about 40 % of the area is used for agriculture.
