Villa Guerrero, Jalisco

21.98 - 103.596042Koordinaten: 21 ° 59 'N, 103 ° 36 ' W

Villa Guerrero is a municipality in the Mexican state of Jalisco in the Región Norte. The municipality had the Census 2010 5.638 inhabitants; the surface of Municipalities has 675 km ².

The only place in the municipality with at least 500 inhabitants and is the administrative seat ( until 1921 called El Salitre ) the eponymous Villa Guerrero. The municipality comprises a total of 61 villages.

The municipality of Villa Guerrero borders the Municipalities Totatiche, Mezquitic, Chimaltitán and Bolaños and to the municipality of Monte Escobedo in the state of Zacatecas.

The municipality is located at 900 m to 2100 m altitude. More than two-thirds of the municipality is forested, 14% are pastures, another 10% is used for agriculture.
