Zacoalco de Torres

20.216666666667 - 103.56666666667Koordinaten: 20 ° 13 ' N, 103 ° 34 ' W

Zapotiltic is a municipality in the Mexican state of Jalisco in the Región Sur. The municipality had the Census 2010 27.901 inhabitants; the area of ​​the Municipalities is 480.5 km ².

Greatest place in the municipality and administrative headquarters is the same Zacoalco de Torres. Other cities with at least 1,000 inhabitants are General Andres Figueroa, San Marcos and Barranca de Otates. Overall, the municipality includes 34 villages.

The municipality Zacoalco de Torres borders the Municipalities Villa Corona, Acatlán de Juárez, Jocotepec, Teocuitatlán de Corona, Atoyac, Techaluta de Montenegro and Atemejac de Brizuela.

The municipal area is mostly in a plane on average about 1500 m above sea level. The approximately 40 % of the municipality are forested or agricultural land. The municipality also includes Zacoalco Laguna and Laguna San Marcos.
