St. Clair Township, St. Clair County, Illinois

St. Clair County


The St. Clair Township is one of 22 townships in St. Clair County in the western part of the U.S. state of Illinois. In 2010, the St. Clair Township 35 498 inhabitants.

The Township is located in the Metro - East called the eastern part of the metropolitan area of ​​Greater St. Louis the city of St. Louis in neighboring Missouri.


The St. Clair Township is located in the eastern suburban area of St. Louis, some 20 km east of the Mississippi River, which forms the border with the state of Missouri. It covers an area of ​​about 36.37 km ².

The Township is located in the northern center of the St. Clair County around the town of Belleville and is bordered to the north by the Caseyville Township, in the northeast on the O'Fallon Township, on the east by the Shiloh Valley Township, on the south by the Smithton Township, in southwest on the Millstadt Township and on the west by Stookey Township.


Through the Township proceed with the Illinois State Routes 13, 15, 158, 159 and 161 several arterial roads of Belleville. All other roads are County Roads or more subordinate local roads.

By St. Clair Township leads a line of Metrolink light rail called the St. Louis metropolitan area.

Thanks to the southeast of the township runs a railway line of the Canadian National Railway, which runs from St. Louis to the southeast.

The St. Louis Downtown Airport is located 20 km to the west, the greater Lambert -Saint Louis International Airport is located approximately 45 km northwest of St. Clair Township.

Demographic data

According to the census in 2010 lived in St. Clair Township 35 498 people in 14,373 households. The population density was 976 people per square kilometer. In the 14,373 households lived statistically 2.44 per person.

The racial the population was composed of 70.8 percent white, 23.3 percent African American, 0.2 percent Native American, 2.0 percent Asian and 0.7 percent from other ethnic groups; 2.7 percent were descended from two or more races. Regardless of ethnicity, 2.5 percent of the population are Hispanic or Latino of any race.

23.6 percent of the population were under 18 years old, 62.4 percent were between 18 and 64 and 14.0 percent were 65 years or older. 52.6 percent of the population was female.

The median annual income for a household was $ 55,640. The per capita income was $ 30,642. 10.0 percent of the population lived below the poverty line.


The population of St. Clair Township lives in the following localities:


  • Fairview Heights1


  • Shiloh2
  • Swansea3

1 - predominantly in the Caseyville Township, partly in the Canteen Township 2 - mainly in the Shiloh Valley Township, partly in O'Fallon and the Caseyville Township 3 - to a small extent in the Caseyville Township
