
Jerzewo (Russian Ерцево ) is a settlement in north-west Russia. It is located in Konoschski rajon within the Arkhangelsk Oblast and has 4201 inhabitants (as of October 14, 2010 ).


Jerzewo located in the southwest of Arkhangelsk Oblast, near the border with Vologda Oblast. The place is located 420 km south of the well Oblasthauptstadt Arkhangelsk. The nearest town Konosha, located about 20 km north of Jerzewo and is also the center of Rajon.

Jerzewo is the administrative center of the rural community Jerzewskoje (Russian Ерцевское сельское поселение ).


Jerzewo was established in 1937 as a station on the railway between Moscow and Arkhangelsk. At that time was located on the site of the present Jerzewo a camp of the Gulag " KargopolLag " ( Каргопольлаг ), which was named after its administrative center Kargopol. In November 1940, the management of the KargopolLag was transferred to the station Jerzewo, but the name of the camp remained. The times up to 30,100 imprison people of the Gulag were mainly used for timber production and processing as well as for the construction of railway lines. In 1938, the Jerzewoer Railway ( Ерцевская железная дорога ) was opened, which was built by the prisoners of the Gulag and used principally for the transport of timber. The growing from year to year railway line ran with numerous branches in a westerly direction, linking various storage points. In the 1950s, the storage system of KargopolLag was converted into corrective labor camp. Under the name Utschreschdenije Potschtowy jaschtschik 233 ( Учреждение Почтовый ящик 233/Institution Postbox 233, in short: П -233 ) had this to in the 1994 inventory. During this time other bearing points were established and expanded the railroad. The extension of the longest arm of the railway was 140 kilometers and ran in a southwesterly direction to the Vologda Oblast. In the years 1994 to 1995 had to due to budget cuts, almost all bearing points are closed. The P -223 was part of the management of forest improvement institutions Onega ( Онежского управления лесных исправительных учреждений; УЛИУ ). In Jerzewo the union of the colonies improvement was number 4 ( объединение исправительных колоний № 4; ОИК -4 ) is formed, to which belonged the reformatories in Jerzewo and Sowsa with more than 1,700 prisoners. Due to the closure of the majority of the bearing points many settlements in the area were closed Jerzewos with time. Also the operation of the Jerzewoer railroad was almost completely phased out by 2007 in the sequence.

Population Development

The following overview shows the evolution of populations of Jerzewo.

Note: Census data

Transport and Infrastructure

Jerzewo is a station of the Northern Railway on the railway line Vologda - Arkhangelsk. The railway is also the main means of transportation. Jerzewo is in possession of a library.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Valeri Aleksandrovich Abramov ( born 1956 ), long-distance runner