Athletics at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Men's shot put

The shot put of the men at the 2012 Olympics in London was held on 3 August 2012 at the London Olympic Stadium. 40 athletes took part in the competition.

Two qualifying groups were formed, each starter had three attempts. A length of 20.65 m qualified athletes directly for the finals, where the number of directly -skilled was irrelevant. If less than 12 athletes reach the length, the following starter both groups qualified, stood firm to 12 finalists. In the finals, each participant stood first three attempts. The best 8 then got another three attempts.

The directly qualified athletes are light blue, highlighted the determined over the next best shot putter length light green.

Abbreviations: WR = World Record, OR = Olympic Record, NR = National record, PB = personal best, JWB = Jahresweltbestleistung

Existing Records

Title holders


Group A

August 3, 2012


Group B

August 3, 2012


August 3, 2012, 21:30 Clock

The Argentine Lauro improved in this competition the Argentine record three times, because even his second final test outperformed the established in qualifying record. In the third attempt, he corrected him again. Majewski is only the third shot putter who could repeat his Olympic victory.
