Boucle du Mouhoun Region

Boucle du Mouhoun is one of 13 regions in the West African nation of Burkina Faso is divided administratively. Capital is Dédougou. The region lying to the west includes the provinces balé, Banwa, Kossi, Mouhoun, Nayala and Sourou and is bordered to the east by Centre- Ouest, in the south of Hauts- basin, in the north- east by north and to the west by the State of Mali.

At 34,479 km ² live 1434847 inhabitants ( 2006 census ), mainly Sanan and Bwaba, which are mostly Islamic faith.

The gold mines in Boucle du Mouhoun are the most important in Burkina Faso, also exist deposits of diamonds and bauxite. The region is hardly industrialized, the majority of the population engaged in subsistence agriculture.


Boucle du Mouhoun | Cascades | Centre | Centre- Est | Centre- Nord | Centre- Ouest | Centre- Sud | Est | Hauts- basins | North | Central Plateau | Sahel | Sud -Ouest

  • Region ( Burkina Faso)