Charcas Province

- 18.283333333333 - 65.883333333333Koordinaten: 18 ° 17 ' S, 65 ° 53 ' W

Charcas is a province in the department of Potosí in the highlands of South American Andes State of Bolivia.


The Charcas province is one of sixteen provinces in the Potosí Department. It lies between 17 ° 57 'and 18 ° 36' south latitude and between 65 ° 21 ' and 66 ° 19 ' west longitude. It is bordered on the north by the province Bernardino Bilbao, in the northwest of the province of Alonso de Ibáñez, on the southwest by the province of Rafael Bustillo, on the south by the province Chayanta, and on the east by the department of Cochabamba. The province extends about 125 km in east-west direction and 100 kilometers in north-south direction.


The population of the province of Charcas has risen in the past two decades by about a third:

Capital and largest city of the province is San Pedro de Buena Vista with about 1,600 inhabitants.


The province is divided into the following two counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • The municipality of San Pedro de Buena Vista - 34,502 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Toro Toro - 12,008 inhabitants