European Broadcasting Union

The European Broadcasting Union (English European Broadcasting Union, EBU; French Union Européenne de Radio - Télévision, UER ) is an association of currently 74 radio stations in 56 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East with headquarters in Geneva. In addition, about half as many associated stations from around the world.

President of the EBU is the director of the Francophone Belgian radio station RTBF, Jean -Paul Philippot, Vice President Claudio Cappon is from the Italian RAI. Full-time Director General of the EBU is the Swiss Ingrid Deltenre, the former Director of the Swiss television.

  • 5.1 Active Full Members


The European Broadcasting Union was founded on February 12, 1950 at a conference in Torquay ( UK ) with the aim to build a network for the exchange of news films. In addition to the EBU promote and standardize technical developments in radio and television. The founding members were 23 radio stations from Europe and the Mediterranean.

In 1953 the EBU was the first international Live show at all, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, the first "official" Euro Vision mission was the transfer of daffodils Festival 1954 from Montreux. In 1956 the broadcast of the first Euro Vision Song Contest was held.

In 1993, the EBU has merged with its Eastern European counterpart OIRT.

In November 2011, Andorra has canceled his membership because of financial difficulties. When the membership of the country disappears, is not yet known.



In 1991 the play was The meeting in Valladolid by British writer Anthony Burgess (A Clockwork Orange, A Clockwork Orange dt ) as a commissioned work of the EBU produced by all its member countries in their own language and at the same time urgesendet with all broadcasters ARD.


The most famous production of the EBU is the annual Euro Vision Song Contest, which are being produced by the broadcaster in the country, which has submitted the previous year winners.

From 1965 to 1999, the game show game was broadcast without limits from the EBU. Moreover, it produces in-house competition Euro Vision Young Dancers as well as various children's programs and documentaries.

In addition, the EBU operates a satellite channel, the channel members make about the mutually own ( video ) Material available.

Theme songs

The EBU uses different theme songs for the identification of their broadcasts. The best known are the Euro Vision Fanfare with a motif from the Prelude to Te Deum by the French composer Marc- Antoine Charpentier and the Euro Radio Fanfare for a motive from the overture to the opera L' Orfeo by Claudio Monteverdi.

Technical developments

To transfer audio files in the individual Member States the FLAC format is used. In addition, the organization is actively involved in the research and development of new standards such as DAB, DVB and HDTV and designed among other things, Radio Data System (RDS).


As of May 2011, the EBU 74 full members from 56 states and 43 associate members from 22 other countries - including Canada, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, India, Hong Kong and the United States. Most are full members of state-owned stations or private broadcasters with a public request for information. In Germany, the EBU has on the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF; Austria is represented by the ORF, Switzerland with the SRG SSR and South Tyrol with Rai Bolzano, mitüberträgt especially the "Grand Prix of folk music ."

In Georgia, there are both associated as a full member stations.

Active Full Members
