Kalangala District

Kalangala is a district of Uganda. It includes the complete set of Ssese Islands. This comprises 84 islands (43 of which are inhabited ) in the northwest of Lake Victoria. The largest island is Bugala with a length of 40 km. The capital is the same Kalangala on Bugala. Its population is according to the census of 2002 36.661 people in an area of ​​9340 km ², of which only 432 km ² of land area, however, is.

The district is inhabited by Luganda - speaking Bantu of Bassese strain, which are related to the Baganda and Basoga.

The island group is due to the heavy rainfall of about 2000 mm per year, very wooded.

Major industries are, beside the Nile perch fishing in particular, tourism and forestry and agriculture with the cultivation of sugar cane, palm oil and pineapple.

There is a ferry between Bukakata near Masaka and Luku on Bugala. A second ferry to Port Bell was stopped in 1996, after the ferry with more than 100 deaths had fallen.

Important islands and cities

  • Bugala Kalangala
  • Luku
  • Bukasa