Liestal District

The district is an administrative unit Liestal in the canton of Basel-Landschaft Liestal with main town, also the capital of the canton.

The District Liestal is in the middle of the other four districts of the canton of Basel-Land and is therefore central. Municipalities of the district of Liestal are commonly (still) expected to Oberbaselbiet (as well as the districts of Waldenburg and Sissach ). The District Liestal is bordered to the north by Germany ( Landkreis Lörrach, Baden- Württemberg), in the north- east to the Canton Aargau ( District Rheinfelden ), to the east by the District Sissach, to the south by the district of Waldenburg in the west to the Canton of Solothurn (district Dornach ) and on the northwest by the district Arlesheim. It is thus only not connected to the district running, but it still belonged to the early 1990s to the canton of Bern.

The District Liestal is to Arlesheim the second largest by population and thus second- most influential district of Canton.

The communities of the district are aligned to Liestal ( Pratteln and Augst, which are sometimes mistakenly counted for under the Basel area, and Basel ). Liestal canton capital is the most important place in the district, he is also in terms of area by far the largest. However, since the big boom ( 1970 ) Live in Pratteln agglomeration municipalities around Basel to Pratteln which just heard yet, something more people than in Liestal.

The district were very diverse: in Pratteln and Augst industrial and housing estates, Liestal dominate with its agglomeration communities Frenk village, Füllinsdorf, Lausen, Bubendorf and Seltisberg is dominated urban, in the other communities dominated a rural image.

