Manuel María Caballero Province

- 17.816666666667 - 64.466666666667Koordinaten: 17 ° 49 ' S, 64 ° 28 ' W

Manuel María Caballero is a province in the western part of the department of Santa Cruz in the lowlands of the South American Andean Republic of Bolivia. The province takes its name in honor of the deputy Manuel María Caballero of Valle Grande, who has co-signed the Bolivian Constitution ( Constitución política ) of 5 August 1861.


The province is bordered on the west by the department of Cochabamba, on the south by the province of Valle Grande, to the east by the province of Florida, and in the north- east by the province Ichilo.


The population of the province Caballero has risen in the past two decades by nearly half:

The proportion of urban population is 20.0 per cent ( 1992). 44.9 percent of the population are younger than 15 years ( 1992).

95.4 percent of the population speak Spanish, 43.8 percent Quechua, Aymara, and 1.6 percent (1992).

60.7 percent of the working population is employed in agriculture, 0.2 percent in mining, 5.1 percent in industry, 34.0 percent in services ( 2001).

90.1 percent of the population are Catholics, 8.4 percent are Protestant (1992).

70.1 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 70.8 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).


The province is divided into the following two counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • Municipio Comarapa - 16,696 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipio Saipina - 6,220 inhabitants