Per Thorén

Per Ludvig Julius Thorén ( born January 26, 1885 in Stockholm, † January 5, 1962 ) was a Swedish figure skater, who started in a single run and pair skating. He is the European champion of 1911.

Probably the biggest sporting success of the two-time Swedish champion Thorén was the bronze medal at the 1908 Olympic Games in London, behind his two compatriots Ulrich Salchow and Richard Johansson. A year later he became Vice World Champion behind Salchow. Already in 1905 he had won the World Cup bronze. In European Championships he was after winning bronze in 1906, 1909 and 1910 in 1911 in Saint Petersburg finally champions.

At the World Cup in 1913 Thorén occurred in the home to Stockholm again, but in a pair of running on the side of Elly Svensson. As reigning Swedish champions they finished fifth. A year earlier, Thorén had won at the side of Elna Montgomery, the Swedish pair competition.

Thorén was co-inventor of the eponymous jump Thorén. This jump in jump combinations allowed by the left foot cracked jumps ( salchow, flip, etc.) to jump at the end, it is in fact the only landed on the left jump in the ice and roller skating. He is also called Euler. In English is called the Thorén "half -loop" because its choppy jump way indicates a forward landed on the left Rittberger. The jump itself, however, must meet a revolution. The jump itself never asserted itself as an independent single hop, he now serves only in simple design even as connecting jump ( Example: Lutz, landing on the left foot of the same is done the jump ), Euler ( has snapped at full turn to the left), Salchow ( jump from the left, landing back on the right).


* In pair skating with Elly Svensson / ** in pair skating with Elna Montgomery
