Sud Carangas Province

- 18.883333333333 - 67.1Koordinaten: 18 ° 53 ' S, 67 ° 6' W

Sud Carangas (also: Sur Carangas ) is a province in the central part of the Oruro Department in the highlands of South American Andes State of Bolivia.


The Sud Carangas province is one of sixteen provinces in the Oruro Department. It lies between 18 ° 38 'and 19 ° 09' south latitude and between 66 ° 37 ' and 67 ° 34 ' west longitude.

It is bordered on the north by the province Saucarí, on the northwest by the Carangas Province, to the west by the province of Litoral, to the south by the province of Ladislao Cabrera, on the southeast by the province Sebastián Pagador, on the east by the province of Eduardo Avaroa, and the North East to the provincial Poopó. In the east, the province borders on the Poopó lake.

The province extends over a length of 60 kilometers in north-south direction and 100 km in east-west direction.


41.1 percent of the population are younger than 15 years. 96.5 percent of the population speak Aymara, 78.1 percent and 46.0 percent Spanish Quechua.

99.9 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 98.7 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).

77.9 percent of the working population is employed in agriculture, 4.1 percent in industry, 18.0 percent in the service sector ( 2001).

74.8 percent of the population are Catholics, 18.9 percent are Protestant (1992).


The province is divided into the following two counties ( bolivian: municipios ):

  • Municipality of Anda Marca - 6,794 inhabitants (Update 2010)
  • Municipality of Belén de Anda Marca - 2,265 inhabitants