
Argelato is a town with 9734 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Bologna. The municipality consists of the villages Argelato, Casadio, Casette di Funo, Funo, Malacappa, Volta Reno, San Donnino and San Giacomo, in the districts Argelato ( the main town ), Casadio and Funo are united under management. In the village Funo are a marshalling yard, major industrial plants ( Guaber ) and one of the largest trading centers in Europe, which is inferior only to the cis at Nola.


  • Mayor Luigi Pasquali, since 06 /2004.
  • Town Hall: call center 0516634611
  • Climatic classification: zona E, 2338 GR / G

Pictures of Argelato
