Canton of Boulogne-sur-Mer-Nord-Est

The Canton of Boulogne -sur -Mer -Nord -Est is a French administrative unit in the arrondissement of Boulogne -sur -Mer, in the Pas -de- Calais and in the Nord -Pas -de -Calais. Its main town is Boulogne -sur -Mer. Representatives of the General Council of the department since 1985 Claude Allan.


The Canton of Boulogne -sur -Mer -Nord - Est is located in the middle 21 meters above sea level, 0-110 meters. The highest and lowest elevation are located in Boulogne -sur -Mer each.


The canton consists of four municipalities and part of the town of Boulogne -sur -Mer ( expressed as the total population, live in the canton of approximately 13,200 inhabitants of the city):
