Dixit (card game)

Game of the Year 2010 As d' Or - Jeu de l' Année 2009 Games Magazine: Best Party Game 2010 Dutch Games Award 2010: Nominated

Dixit ( Latin for " he / she / it has said " ) is a simple guessing game with high communication potential. It was published in 2008 in French Libellud -Verlag Régis Bonnessée under the authorship of Jean -Louis Roubira, a French children's therapist. As an illustrator Marie Cardouat responsible. In the German-speaking area of the game Asmodée is sold.

Game play


To play include integrated into the box scoreboard in the form of a Kramer bar, 6 wooden rabbit figures as a progress indicator, 84 different hand-sized illustrated cards without marking and with a neutral back, 36 rating plate, each worth 1-6 and the game rules.


At the start, each player receives 6 cards of the image. Who 's turn is called a concept, a word, a sentence or a quote on one of his cards he plays face in the middle. The remaining players are looking out of their hole cards a, which could correspond to the term referred to in about and put it also in the middle. All cards lying in the middle are now mixed and placed face. Everyone except the GM this round now chooses a card, which he considers to be the conductor of the game and sets a corresponding small plate covered. Then the mystery dish is to recognize his card. Was it too easy, that is, all have advised correctly, he also receives no point, as if it too difficult ( no one has advised) appeared; for the other players get two points. Otherwise, each player receives three points for correctly picking. In addition, any incorrect output rating brings the player was typed on the card, an additional point. Then, each player draws his hares by the corresponding number fields forward. Once the draw pile is empty, the game ends. Then who is with his hare on the scoring track furthest forward, has won.


The game has received national and international awards, including Game of the Year 2010, the As d' Or - Jeu de l' Année 2009 award from Games Magazine as the best new party game 2010 game of the year in Spain, the Lys d'or 2009 of Quebec and the Belgian Joker 2009.

Despite its distinction as Game of the Year, the most important award in the world games, Dixit not reached in Germany by far the sales of its award-winning predecessor. For the international market Asmodée speaks of a total circulation amounted to 320,000, which was discontinued in 2009 and 2010.


The game critics Christwart Conrad sees the lexicon match the ancestor of Dixit and Urs Hostettlers game The real Walter applies for his opinion as an inspiration in the scoring. He writes in conclusion: "less the original idea or the special gameplay, but only the image design makes Dixit to a special game, its enchanting charm all those who will succumb to that seen on each card a wonderful work of art. "
