Flag of Romania

The flag of Romania in its current form was adopted on 27 December 1989. The color scheme is historically.


The national flag is a tricolor flag in the colors blue, yellow and red (Romanian: Albastru, galben şi Rosu ) with vertical stripes.


A book from 1350 shows a green banner with red Scimitar as a symbol Siluanas. From the same source comes a picture of the banner of Vicina ( Vecina ), a large port, close to the Danube Delta under Genoese sovereignty. While the flag of Genoa shows a red cross on a white background, is therefore Vicina have the colors changed.

? Liza is about 1350

The national colors of Romania come from the banners of the parts of the country Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania. Moldova took his red flag with the golden ox head presumably under Bogdan I (1359-1365) and kept them under Stephen the Great (1457-1504) and his successors at. In the 19th century the blue flag was added. Mihail Sutu (1819-1821) had a blue flag with ox head on the front and St. George on a red background on the back. As a flag at sea was a red flag with white symbols, the ox- head could also be black. 1834 blue trade flag was introduced. The red Gösch symbolized the Ottoman suzerainty. A variant is known from the year 1858.

? Flag of Moldova to the lake until 1830

? Flag of Moldova to the lake until 1830

? Merchant flag of Moldova (1834-1861)

? Merchant flag of Moldova (1858 )

Michael the Brave (1593-1601) resulted in Wallachia a black raven on a yellow ground, standing on a green tree and wore a silver and gold cross in its beak. Radu Şerban (1602-1611) used a white flag with an eagle carrying a cross in its beak. The flag of Vlad Vintilă de la Slatina (1532-1535) showed the raven with a cross in its beak on a mountain on a red background.

The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire allowed the Prince of Wallachia 1834, bringing together the colors in a flag. The order and arrangement of the stripes was varied several times. In 1848 creating what is now tricolor, but only with the union of Wallachia and Moldova in 1859 she received an official status. In 1862, the country's name Romania.

Several times changed the governments of Romania in a row the coat of arms of Romania in the center of the flag. In communist Romania flag on January 8, 1948 received a new coat of arms with three blast furnaces and a tractor in a wheat wreath. This in turn was replaced on 13 April by a coat of arms with forests, mountains and an oil rig. 1952 added to the coat of arms with a red star and 1965 one changed the caption of the font banner. During the revolution of 1989, many flags were at the protest marches seen from which the communist symbol was cut out. The current flag was adopted on 27 December 1989. The transitional government decided to add the new flag and coat of arms no more so leaned against the national emblem of the Kingdom of Romania in ( 1881-1947 ).

2:3? People's Republic of ( 8 January to 13 April 1948)

2:3? People's Republic (1948-1952)

2:3? People's Republic (1952-1965)

2:3? People's Republic (1965-1989)

2:3 chopped Flag of the People's Republic during the Revolution of 1989


The flag of Romania has great similarities with the national flag of the ethnically and culturally closely related neighboring state of Moldova. The latter use a coat of arms in the center of the flag and ( Russian model ) a different aspect ratio. Chad has a flag that differs only in the color of the Romania. Also Andorra leads a blue- yellow-red tricolor with its coat of arms in the center.

  • In a direct comparison

1:2? flag of Moldova

2:3? flag of Romania

2:3? Flag of Chad
