Santa Luċija, Malta

35.8620714.50418Koordinaten: 35 ° 52 ' N, 14 ° 30' E

Santa Luċija is a village with 3136 inhabitants ( 31 December 2010), which has developed in the 20th century on the island of Malta. According to articles in the government newspaper dated July 7, 1961 it the area between Tal- Barrani is assigned to the ring road of Tarxien and the ring road of Luqa. Santa Luċija the place was named after the chapel from the 16th century in this area.

The parish church is dedicated to Pope Pius X.. In Santa Luċija there is the " Chinese Garden of Serenity", a Chinese park. There is also a Hypogeum ( Neolithic archaeological site ), which was discovered in 1973.
