
A Vegueria ( catalan [ bəɣəɾi.ə ], pl. Vegueries ) was a territorial subdivision in medieval Catalonia under the jurisdiction of Veguers ( vulgar Latin vigerius from the Latin vicar ). It is comparable to the German Bailiwick.

After the Catalan Statute of Autonomy of 2006, the Catalan regional law Llei 30/2010, del 3 d' Agost, de vegueries of 3 August 2010, to take the place of the previous four provinces as a new subdivision of the Catalan territory seven Vegueries.


The origins of the Vegueries lie in the bailiwicks from 802 by Charlemagne created in the Catalan counties. After Zusammschluss the County of Barcelona and the Kingdom of Aragon to the State Union of Aragon crown in 1164 special royal Veguers were used to manage and to exercise jurisdiction over the rural population in the counties.

With the growth of royal influence, the number of Vegueries increased in the counties. 1304 passed in today's Catalonia 19 Vegueries which were subject to the king of Aragon:

  • Berguedá
  • Bages
  • Vilafranca del Penedès
  • Girona
  • Besalu
  • Camprodon
  • La Ral
  • Ripollès
  • Tarrega
  • Lleida
  • Cervera
  • Ribagorça
  • Pallars
  • Camarasa

They were based on the borders of the old counties. At the same time were under a further five Vegueries on Mallorca and in Northern Catalonia to the king of Majorca.

The subdivision into Vegueries formed the basis for the administration and was with some adjustments to the 1716 resolution by the decrees of the Nueva Planta. In northern Catalonia in 1790 this happened as a result of the French Revolution.

For the administrative subdivision of the territory twelve Corregimentos were created on the territory of modern Catalonia, each of which were under a military governor. The limits of Corregimentos broadly in line with social realities. In contrast, took the 1833 creation of the four Spanish provinces in Catalonia any more consideration to the needs of a dynamic and complex society. The Spanish territory was divided into approximately equal-sized administrative units of the central government modeled after the French departments only.

1936 divided the Republican Generalitat of Catalonia in 38 comarques and 9 Vegueries on with the aim to dissolve the provinces in 1833. Which came into force on December 1, 1937 subdivision had existed only until the end of the civil war.

The Vegueries today

In the first Catalan Statute of Autonomy after the transition to democracy in 1979, the Vegueries have not been mentioned. It remained with the division into the four provinces.

1987 were established by a regional law in Catalonia 41 comarques as community associations. In terms of size the comarques with counties in Germany are comparable. The demarcation of the comarques agreed not everywhere coincide with the territorial status of the provinces, but included some of the comarques communities from different provinces.

In the late 1990s a group of experts headed by Miquel Roca had prepared a new proposal for the territorial organization. The 2001 Roca report saw the creation of six to eight additional Comarques before, and division into six Vegueries and a sub - Vegueria: Vegueria de Barcelona, located in Barcelona, ​​Vegueria del Camp de Tarragona, located in Tarragona, with particular focus Aran Reus, Vegueria de la Catalunya Central, with headquarters in Manresa and special consideration of Vic and Igualada, Vegueria de Girona, based in Girona, Vegueria de Ponent, based in Lleida and the sub - Vegueria Alt Pirineu and the Val d' Vegueria de les Terres de l' Ebre based in Tortosa.

There have been local efforts to create more Vegueries: Vegueria de l'Alt Ter with the comarques Osona and Ripollès and Vegueria del Penedès with the comarques Alt Penedès, Anoia, Baix Penedès and Garraf. Furthermore, the Council of the Val d' Aran calls ( Conselh Generau d' Aran ) that the current comarca of Val d' Aran is not affiliated with any other administrative unit. The Roca report was therefore not fully implemented.

The new Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia of 2006 provides for the establishment of Vegueries that have a dual nature: On the one hand they are to municipal authorities (and thus a separate legal entity under public law ) be the local self-government and as an administrative districts the lower level of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia form (Art. 90 of the Statute of Autonomy ). In the first function they are to take the place of the previous four provinces.

These provisions of the Statute of Autonomy was implemented by Regional Law Llei 30/2010, del 3 d' Agost, de vegueries of 3 August 2010. This provides for the formation of the following Vegueries ago:

  • L'Alt Pirineu, consisting of the municipalities of the comarques L' Alta Ribagorça, L'Alt Urgell, Cerdanya, El Pallars Jussà, El Pallars Sobirà and initially Val d' Aran. This Vegueria thus comprises the northern part of the present province of Lleida and the entire Cerdanya (the eastern part of the time even with the province of Girona is one ).
  • Barcelona, ​​consisting of the municipalities of the comarques L' Alt Penedès, Baix Llobregat, El Barcelonès, El Garraf, Maresme, El Vallès Occidental and El Vallès Oriental. This Vegueria thus comprises the southern part of the present province of Barcelona along the coast, with the exception of the community Fogars de la Selva will include as part of the comarca of La Selva to Vegueria Girona.
  • La Catalunya Central, consisting of the municipalities of the comarques L' Anoia, Bages El, El Berguedà, Osona and El Solsonès. This Vegueria thus comprises the northern part of the present province of Barcelona, ​​as well as the Comarca El Solsosonès, the community Gósol (both belonging to the province of Lleida time ) and the communities Vidrà and Viladrau (both belonging to the province of Girona at the time ).
  • Girona, consisting of the municipalities of the comarques L' Alt Empordà, El Baix Empordà, La Garrotxa, El Gironès, El Pla de l' Estany, El Ripollès and La Selva. This Vegueria corresponds, in essence covering the territory of today's province of Girona, with the following exceptions: (part of the time to the province of Barcelona) it receives as part of the comarca of La Selva the community Fogars de la Selva, while currently the province of Girona belonging communities Vidrà and viladrau will include as part of the comarca of Osona to Vegueria La Catalunya Central and the eastern part of the Cerdanya to Vegueria L'Alt Pirineu.
  • Lleida, consisting of the municipalities of Les Garrigues comarques, La Noguera, El Pla d' Urgell, La Segarra, El Segrià and L' Urgell. This Vegueria thus comprises the southern part of the present province of Lleida.
  • El Camp de Tarragona, consisting of the municipalities of the comarques L' Alt Camp, Baix Camp, Baix Penedès, La Conca de Barberà, El Priorat and El Tarragonès. This Vegueria thus covers the eastern part of the present province of Tarragona.
  • Les Terres de l' Ebre, consisting of the municipalities of the comarques El Baix Ebre, El Montsiā, La Ribera d' Ebre and La Terra Alta. This Vegueria thus comprises the western part of the present province of Tarragona.

The new structure in Vegueries therefore deviates from the existing provincial boundaries. Since a change in the province borders to the Spanish Constitution, however, can only be done by an organic law of the Cortes Generales, so the total Spanish Parliament in Madrid, saw the Catalan Regional Law of 3 August 2010 in his " first transitional provision " ( disposición transitoria primera ) initially following transitional arrangement: After the local elections of 22 May 2011, the former four provinces should be initially retained in its territorial status, but from then use the designation Vegueria. Your recent self-governing bodies, the Diputaciones should be renamed Consells de Vegueria. Only when necessary for the reorganization of legislative changes have been made on a pan- Spanish level should then be carried out the reorganization in the seven provided for in the Regional Law Vegueries.

However, on June 1, 2011 Amendment of the Act. Since it would come to the currently applicable transitional provision only to a renaming of the Diputaciones in Consells de Vegueria without further legal consequences, should not take place until now the constitution of the Vegueries as self-governing bodies, if necessary for the reorganization laws are adopted at the state level. It remains therefore first in the division into four provinces.

Benefiting from over a special Val d' Aran is the first Vegueria L'Alt Pirineu belong and be removed completely later in this outline level (for which, however, also changes in the law on total Spanish level are necessary ).

The provinces have so far under Article 141 of the Spanish Constitution a dual nature: on the one than on municipal authorities of local self-government and as an administrative districts of the lower level of government. They also provide in accordance with Article 68 of the Constitution, the constituencies for the election to the Cortes Generales. The Regional Act of August 3, 2010 expressly provides that its function is not affected as the administrative districts of the state administration and constituencies by this law.

For further development, there is therefore a number of ways that depend on it, how does the total Spanish legislature:

  • If and as long as he does not adjust the state laws, it remains at the previous state of the outline in four provinces.
  • Is it related by Organic Law on the borders of the provinces to which the intended Vegueries, done so far reclassification, and it open to him is whether he extends this reorganization on the function of the provinces as administrative districts of the state administration and as constituencies for the elections to the Cortes Generales.

In their dual nature of the Vegueries resemble the German districts, at the same time are also self-governing bodies and the lower level of the state administration (eg, " county government as the lower water authority " ) form. There is, however, the difference is that in the case of counties both functions in the district administration are united organizationally, while this is not the case with the Vegueries: It is the one of the Consell de Vegueria with his administration as a self -regulatory body and it organizationally separate the lower authority the Autonomous Community ( Delegació territorial ), both of which have only the responsibility for the same geographical area in common.
